A Decidability Theorem

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Vitaly Filippovski


The aim of this paper is to present the proof of the decidability theorem that says that for every ω-consistent recursive class r of formulas, for all recursive class signs r υ Gen r belongs to Flg(k) whereas Neg(υ Gen r) does not belong to Flg(k) (where υ is the free variable of r).

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Как цитировать
Filippovski, V. (2022). A Decidability Theorem. Analytica, 3, 78–91. https://www.analytica-journal.ru/index.php/analytica/article/view/23

Как цитировать

Filippovski, V. (2022). A Decidability Theorem. Analytica, 3, 78–91. https://www.analytica-journal.ru/index.php/analytica/article/view/23